Evan Rachel Wood Urges Golden Globes Attendees To ‘Circle Around’ Predators As A Form Of Protest
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Sunday night’s Golden Globes broadcast will feature no Trump jokes from host Seth Meyers, but there will be plenty of controversy afoot. After all, this is the first major awards show to air after the #MeToo movement began to hold Hollywood accountable for letting predators like Harvey Weinstein to (allegedly) run unchecked for decades. While Rose McGowan wasn’t impressed by the plan of some actresses (including Meryl Streep) to wear black as a form of “silent protest” on the red carpet, perhaps a more dramatic form of protest — the brainchild of Evan Rachel Wood — will make more of an impression?
For the record, McGowan hasn’t yet weighed in on Wood’s tweeted idea, which would involve Globes attendees “gather[ing] a handful of people and mak[ing] a circle” around predators. She believes that some men “[won’t] bother showing up in the first place out of fear,” and she added more about her plan.
Also notably, Wood recently told TMZ that she has no problem with those who do want to wear black in protest, and she says that actresses should be able to wear color without being accused of not supporting the #MeToo movement. Wood also retweeted Alyssa Milano’s announcement on the subject.
Wood went on to stress that #MeToo was so successful “because women were supporting other women like I have never seen.” And she hopes that women will “keep that sh*t up.” They just might do so at the Golden Globes awards.
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